Renowned Spine Care

Contact Details

Our Address

Philadelphia Surgery Center
124 N. Narberth Ave.
Narberth, PA 19072
United States of America

Contact Philadelphia Surgery Center


Call: 484-434-7500

Fax : 310.659.8869

We use the surgical techniques developed at the
Back Institute.


At the PSC our focus is spine care. We perform the most advanced non-traumatic procedures available, using optimal surgery tools and equipment. Our procedures involve no cutting, no bleeding and no scarring; therefore, they are a safe alternative to traditional spine surgery. The post-operative recovery is much shorter and more comfortable than is typical for spine surgery patients. Overall, because of decades of surgical expertise and excellent patient care, the PSC is one of the safest centers for spine surgery.

Among our many procedures is what is known as a non-traumatic access discectomy. This outpatient procedure is performed in order to remove bulging or herniated disc material and ultimately relieves back pain. A series of specially designed nano probes are used in conjunction with fluoroscopy and magnified video to reach and remove the offending disc material. With such tools, the surgeon can also push bulging discs back into place and remove disc fragments and small bone spurs.

Dr. David Ditsworth has brought non-traumatic access techniques to the PSC. (Developed at the Back Institute in California).

Other procedures we offer include spinal blocks for the management of spine pain. Some patients may not necessarily need to undergo a discectomy to deal with their back pain. In such cases, a spinal block may be more appropriate. Similar to an epidural in concept, a spinal block provides targeted anesthesia in order to reduce pain at a given location on the back. Unlike an epidural, a spinal block is a one-time injection that varies per patient in length of effect.

These are examples of just some of the procedures that are available to patients at the PSC. For those patients who may not need a surgical procedure, pain management care is available as well.

Our techniques have the following benefits:


    On average, the procedure takes about 45 minutes to an hour. Our patients feel little to no discomfort. Upon completion, the probe is removed and a small Band-Aid is placed over the incision. No stitches are necessary.


    The amount of nucleus tissue removed from the disc varies, but the overall structural integrity of the disc is not affected by the surgery. In comparison to large incisions required for traditional open surgery, the access route to the disc in our non-traumatic procedures consists of only the probe's small puncture site, usually the size of a freckle.


    A non-traumatic discectomy is different from an open lumbar disc surgery because there is no traumatic back muscle dissection, no bone removal, and no large skin incision. Higher risk operations, such as laminotomies, foraminotomies, MED, and so- called microdiscectomies are done around the country at other facilities; but the description "minimally invasive" that centers around these has lost its significance, because anyone can call their surgery minimally invasive.

    The reality of the matter is anything that requires bone or muscle removal is invasive, and potentially damaging in the long-term. This is not a problem, however, with the Philadelphia Surgery Center.